Hey Guys,
It seems that some spammers have been posting comments to messages that have contained some pretty bad content. We can't specifically block them from posting comments, but as administrators, Chris and I can make it to where only members of this blog can post comments. If everybody agrees, we can set it up that way. Let us know what you think and we'll keep deleting the junk people post until then.
I think that limiting the comments would be a good thing. There are only a few of us that read and post anyway. Of course, how would we have ever found Laura McGee if she had not been allowed to comment?
Oh well. I suppose that if this blog ever got really big and people form multiple univerisites started reading it, we might re-think our decision..but when will that ever happen?
Finally, if you guys set up one of the word verification systems that blogger has to offer, these comments might slow down. Many, if not all of them, are automated and cannot get through the word verification.
I can't type today...my post is full of typos because I didn't proof it...sorry everyone.
OK, thanks for the suggestion, Aaron. I activated the word verification, so we'll see if that keeps the spam from coming. Let Chris or I know if there is anymore Spam.
What the Hell?
Oh man, it looks like the word verification isn't stopping the spammers! What the H are we going to do now?
I hope it will go away. They did do their research about LM. Weird.
lzUmm... it was me. Molly strikes again...
I figured as much. It was too specific...but seriously dude, that was gross.
I mean, I'm a big Logan fan, but not that big.
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