Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Starvation Doctrine

Hello everyone,
Well, I finally finished the film. The first screening will be next week, and we've begun submitting to festivals. Check out our website for details and to see the trailer. Later.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Projectile Point Quick Refernce Guide

Hey all,

I've been working on a re-analysis of the Baker Village collection and was trying to get a better idea of how to differentiate between Nawthis side-notched, Bear River side-notched, and Uinta side-notched.

I found this website. It's pretty basic but the index and references are pretty useful.

This index allows you to search nationally, regionally, or by state for different point types. I've noticed that the lists are missing a few point types, but for the most part, i really like the quick reference.

Rather than spend time searching by region, I went directly to the complete list .
I found this to be more useful, especially since i disagree with some of their regional demarcations.

I'm not sure if the site is associated with any university, but it's free and has some good information for those of you interested in typing projectile points without spending a lot of time doing lit searches.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Fremont Master

Once again, southwestern archaeologists recognize the Fremont as well as the Master of Fremont ceramic typology. Check out the props to our very own blogging brother Chris Watkins.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Job Opportunity

I know this blog isn't for advertising so I apologize if this is out of place but I have a great opportunity to share and many of you probably qualify. My company is looking to fill the position of project archaeologist for our project on the test and training ranges of Nellis Air Force Base. The position is advertised on Shovelbums (the link isn't working but just type Geo-Marine in the search bar and you will see the ad). We encourage all to apply who are interested. We are looking for those interested in living in St. George or the surrounding area (or Las Vegas is you really want to). The project is already underway so this is urgent. I'm not sure how many of you would be available or interested but I figured I'd let everyone know of the opportunity. We are looking for long term, its a great salary and great benefits, if you have any questions you can email me at

Here's the link: