Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fremont Book, SAAs, and what are you doing for your summer vacation?

Hi everyone,

I was sorry to have missed you all at the SAAs, so I'm looking forward to next year in Sacramento. Also, GBAC in Layton? Anyone? Anyone?

Today, I was perusing the shelves of the Lied Library here at UNLV and noticed a shiny new book called The Fremont Culture. At least, I thought it was new (October 2009). Turns out its a reprint of Gunnerson's 1967 book on the Fremont. This may be old news to some, but I thought it was pretty cool and it can be yours for the price of $19.95. One word of caution, it does contain a new forward by our favorite archaeological elf, Steve Simms but it's pretty harmless.

So, how were the SAAs? Any great papers? I keep hearing about a pre-clovis paper involving mammoth bones and bulbs of percussion. What else was of interest?

Finally, what are all of your spring/summer plans? I will be heading to Mimbres, New Mexico to work on some pithouse excavations with Barb Roth. After that, I may do some work for Geo-Marine Inc. as a sub-contractor (if they decide to hire me again) and hang out in the labs at UNLV analyzing groundstone for Barb.

Hope all of you are well.