Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Parowan Valley Map

I thought I would let everyone know that I have finished a map of the Parowan Valley with pretty accurate locations of the major Fremont sites. The locations were determined by old aerial photos taken during the excavations which were correlated with current aerial photography. In some cases the locations are very accurate (Parowan Site). I have a full resolution version of this map if anyone is interested in a copy for their own research. Send me a e-mail and I will send it to you.


PBN said...


That is awesome. I'd love a copy when I get back from NC!

Chris said...

This thing is beautiful. Scott will rule the world someday, people will kiss his ring at the SAA's. John Clark will beg him to review his stuff.

SoCo said...

Hey Scott,
I'm assuming this was an Illustrator-produced map, right? Absolutely fresh and so clean-clean! Did you use the GIS plug-in, too?

Mo said...

Scott, that map is GREAT! Of course, I'm going to love anything dealing with PVAP, but it's quite the step up from the last "Parowan Valley" map we had!
(And thanks for rushing on my account!)

Scott said...

The map was produced using a combination of ArcMap, Photoshop, Illustrator, and the Avenza MapPublisher and GeoGraphic Imager plugins.

jdawg said...

I would love a copy of the map