Saturday, March 08, 2008

Large Congratulations to the Hollster!

I know that most of the local group was there and can affirm this, but for all who weren't, I offer a big congratulations to Holly for a well presented Thesis Defense. Why, she even made the old world look down right interestin'! I really enjoyed the presentation, though, and was glad to have another preview of what many of the rest of us are in for!

Holly, when you surface from your frantic week of edits, take a break! Congrats!!!!


PBN said...

Well Done Hollster! I think you've really found your "Niche."



seriously, well done.

Mr. Yoder said...

Well done Mr. Woods, well done indeed.

Fine job Holly, thoroughly enjoyed it.

Chris said...

What the H?!

Lube up the G.J. Taxi and get it ready to make one last permanent trip east.

Congrats Holly, I'm looking forward to seeing a pdf of your finished product on-line.

I'm sure that some of Provo's most flamboyant are shedding single shamrock-shaped tears in bittersweet recognition of your triumph.

Hollster said...

Hey you guys!! Thanks so much! Also, thanks a lot for going to the de-fense. Yeah, I think that I'll quit my "nichin'" for awhile. Yeah Chris, I'm actually not so sure that I'll be going back to ol' G.J. . . .

Lily said...

Congrats Hollster. Glad to hear it went well!

Chris said...

Woah! Where will you go? Are you staying in Utah? This is an interesting development in as the Hollster Turns, not one I would have forseen.