Friday, March 14, 2008

Fremont Bird Effigy

Hey all,
I was going through the PVAP photos, here's a particularly interesting one from Summit. Thought you'd all enjoy it.


Mr. Yoder said...

Proof that somethings never change.

Hollster said...

Haha!!! Hi-freakin'larious! Bird effigy... very clever.

Chris said...

I do not remember this photo, and it is awesome, especially with the bird effigy caption.

PBN said...

Thanks. I was digging around in the Summit photos trying to find some good pithouse shots for a presentation. Lo, there is was! It was part of one of those three-photo plate. One of them had what looked like a pithouse in it so I zoomed in.

Holly, you can consider this your salute for finishing the Thesis.

It's Gold, Jerry, Gold!