Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Continued Salvation of OPA?

In the latest wave of good fortune for OPA, we currently have six student employees. If you count Molly who is an off and on OPA employee, then that makes seven. That's pretty good, since it got pretty dire for a while with cut wages and when Holly and I were the only hold outs.

In addition to this, we now have a new AP2

It's kind of a beige color, almost a "Gold Mist Metallic" (see "colors" on the web page)

It's nice to have a new vehicle, but the ground clearance will be an issue. I think we should get it tricked out with a lift and big tires. It needs to lose some of that "fresh from the factory" look.


Chris said...

Who the H are these people, and should they be invited to join FoF?

Also, what projects does Uncle OPA have cooking right now?

Finally, have Mike, Dave, and I reached legendary status with these people we have never met? You know, does some wet behind the ears kid pull out the GARKANE report and say, "Wow, was this written by the Chris Watkins? Mr. PVAP himself?!?!

PBN said...

I guess if you count Deb Harris, that makes seven permanent employees. Eight with Molly.

These new people may or may not be FoF material.

Newbies are as follow:

Mike Preece, Senior, recent vet of 2006 field school. Vet of North Creek too, on Dave Yoder's crew. Serious about arhcaeology, I'm not sure about his interests, and I did hear an ugly rumor about him wanting to teach seminary.

Syanna Tefteller, Senior, vet of 2006 FS, not sure about her archaeological pursuits.

Jake Skousen, Grad student, one-time PVAP voluteer, vet of the 2005 Jordanian FS, vet of Don's 2006 Guatemalan trailer lab, serious about archaeology, a meso guy.

Becky somebody, senior, recently returned missionary, vet of the 2001 field school, nothing else known.

Of all of them, I would say that Jake has the most FoF potential, but I'm not sure. He was my student in the ex. arch class, I was impressed.

Now, as to your fame or legendary status, I'm not sure.

Dave, many of your sound bytes carried over into field school such as "harder, faster, more efficient"

Chris, your memory lives on through various stories such as the Gandalf Walking staff, Jerry's Burger, If they mated (shrff version), and other things. I do know that many of the newbies will be working with PVAP, so they may learn of you soon.

Mike, nobody really knows who you are...sorry man.

Sadly, no one has yet to crack the Garkane report. Last I heard, Uncle Opa was using it for bedding. Don't be mad, he was cold

PBN said...

I forgot to answer your questions about OPA projects.

Currently, the biggest looming projects are the Provo Airport and PVAP analysis. There is also a historic fort near New Harmony, Utah that is in the process of becoming a project. In addition to these, the little survival projects like DOGM, continue to creep in.

Chris said...

Did some money come in for PVAP analysis from somewhere? I seem to remember hearing about that, but can't remember the details. Cady and Molly probably know about this...

PBN said...

yeah, they know more than I do.