Saturday, May 13, 2006

Greetings from the Middle of Nowhere

Hey everyone,

I'm up for the weekend from the 2006 fieldschool.

Things down there are good, but incredibly hot.

The project is divided into four areas situated near Land Hill, just outside of Ivins, Utah. Here's a brief summary of the activities going on down there.

Molly's crew is doing a full scale excavation of a large PII or PIII site (I think it's a small community site). They are just getting started with excavation after two weeks of surface collection and mapping.

Jenny's crew is doing something similar to Molly's. They are currently chasing a wall. I don't know much more than that.

Brad's crew is recording or re-recording all of the rock art on Land Hill. In the process of recording the rock art, they have discovered two rock shelters among the boulders.

My crew is currently re-recording all of Gardner Dalley and Doug McFadden's recorded sites. We have tested one PIII site and several rock art sites. We have been doing something interesting with rock art recording. We have taken large sheets of mylar, placed them on the rock art panels and then traced over the rock art with sharpie markers. In this way, we have been able to get full scale representations of the rock art. When we get back, we hope to scan them. It really beats using a tape measure and feature sketch form.

Brad's crew has yet to use this method, but I am pretty impressed. On Tuesday, my crew will test a PIII site with a lot of redware polychrome sherds and white on black sherds. There is also a moderate amount of obsidian debitage.

I really don't know much more about the other crews or their activities since my crew is much more mobile and more survey/testing oriented.


PBN said...

By the way Chris, being near St.George does have its benefits. I get to listen to 95.9 The Hawk every day. It's still a great rock station.

That, and I'm near Jack In The Box.

PBN said...

also, Jim Allison loves the Clash. he bought London Calling on the way home. We listened to it. Good stuff.

Mr. Yoder said...

Sounds like Jim has you guys quite busy, and with exciting projects. That’s cool. Are you guys working essentially on your own? I mean, I know Allison is down there but if there are 4 crews working in different areas he has to just bounce back and forth between all of you right? If so that’s cool that he trusts you enough to let you guys do the work for yourselves. Sounds very cool, I might have to come up and check out those excavations.

PBN said...


Jim does have us quite busy with things. Too many things in my opinion. My crew and I are working on our own. Jim comes down from Land Hill sometimes to check on us but not very often. Brad is pretty much on his own as well. Jenny and Molly get most of the scruitiny.

I've had a lot of questions and when i've asked Jim about them he'll say "What do you think?" or "It's your call."

Which is really cool after having dealt with the tyranny of joel. I also call him Jim. I didn't even ask. I just started. He has no problem with it, except when some of the undergrads got a little too casual with the teacher student relationship forgetting that he was in charge.

Mo said...

Yeah, it's quite the shift from the previous field school instructor.