Saturday, May 13, 2006

Possible Thesis Topic

On the way back to Provo, I had a Yoder-esque epiphany (remember the M.A.N. in the Van moment Dave?)

I'd like to do something of a border study between the Parowan Valley (Fremont) and the St. George Basin (Virgin Anasazi). In other words, looking at differences and similarities between the Fremont and the Anasazi.

It is obvious we have a ecological and cultural border, it would be interesting to chart many of the cultural differences and similarities.

I could do this in several ways:

First, toolstone preferences. North of the St. George Basin (in the Parowan Valley) we see a preference for obsidian and PBN points (made of obsidian). In the St.GB we see the PBN point style but they are all made of chert. This difference is also evident in debitage from various sites.

Second, ceramic design styles and distribution. Are pots coming from north of the St. GB or east of the St. GB?

I think that it would be intersting to see how the borders really affect cultural styles/diagnostics/etc. In many ethnographies we see that border differences are much stronger, but in some we see that border cultures are muddled and blurry (Hodder 1982).

Anyway, it's all very preliminary and sketchy, but I'd like to look at the possibilities that a topic like this could bring. I'd appreciate any criticism (with the realization that it's all very general and was devised today) . I probably won't get to many of your comments for a little while (internet access is difficult right now).


Mr. Yoder said...

A fine idea. As I've been getting interested in the Virgin Anasazi I've also been thinking of doing some research on that particular cultural boarder. I think tracking the major tool stone sources, trade patterns of ceramics and other materials, comparisons of architecture, and comparisons of settlement patterns would all be really cool projects. I don’t know what’s up there, but a comparison of design styles and elements on pots could be really cool too. Anyway, good thesis topics. Ya know, we have Karen Harry down here who is just starting some major research with the Virgin Anasazi. Might be something to consider when looking for grad schools, hint hint. Plus with the two of us we could make a Fremont connection. ( I can just see this Virgin Anasazi and Fremont guy standing beside each other in the middle of the desert by UNLV and they’re like “Wonder twin powers…activate!” That would be cool.)

PBN said...


you said:

A fine idea. As I've been getting interested in the Virgin Anasazi I've also been thinking of doing some research on that particular cultural boarder. I think tracking the major tool stone sources, trade patterns of ceramics and other materials, comparisons of architecture, and comparisons of settlement patterns would all be really cool projects. I don’t know what’s up there, but a comparison of design styles and elements on pots could be really cool too. Anyway, good thesis topics

If I could I'd like to incorporate many of those elements into my thesis. We'll see if that's way too big though.

As far as Karen Harry, I know that she's doing a lot. I might have her on my committe or I might stick with Clark. I'm not sure.

I am considering UNLV so no worries. I'll take you up on crashing at your place and touring the department during the GBAC.

Finally, the Wonder Twins were just wussy. Couldn;t we be like the Mayan Hero Twins?