Saturday, January 21, 2006

Quotable Quotes from Gardner Dalley

Just thought I’d pop on and share some of Mr. Dalley’s site descriptions. We obviously have a lot to learn about writing from these old-timers:

Site 118: Quite level and very few “veggies”
Site 55: This is just a really cute, compact little site…roomblocks…may have a couple of little PI hookie-dos on it.
Site 56: There is just a dandy artifact scatter to the east…aspect is pick your own.
Site 57: Site is on a major order architecturally, although it’s a pure bear to sort out exactly…some fool punched right into the guts of the thing with a backhoe…screwed the alignments.
Site 58: Site type = “donut pueblo”
Site 22: …also the sucker is a good PI and they lay in a strange matter oft-times.
Site 66: “feels” substantial and is probably [structural]…have to be fairly husky to support the big midden.
Site 77: Don’t have a clue what it is.
Site 88: Maybe 20 m diam…ugly as sin.
Site 96: One spiral and a couple of other jobbers.
Site 4: It’s a hard sucker to get a good photo of and it defeats my limited sketching abilities…looks like some SOB tried to get his share for the mantle.
Site 9: There appears to be a minor ledge under the figurines, but it does not appear to be my kind of place.
Site 3: I can’t see everything that’s on the face and I have no interest whatsoever in trying to get closer.

I remember reading a few more, but couldn't find them today when I went through the forms again. Good times. Different times. Poor little undergrads'll love standing around the valley with us come field school trying to locate these things--you should see the site sketches!


PBN said...

Ah Gardner. I can see his silver locks blowing in the wind as he wrote those site descriptions...

By the way, Jenny, welcome to the board.

Mr. Yoder said...

If I ever made a movie, I would have to have Gardner Dalley in it at some point. That guy's profile was born to be in some kinda of role.

PBN said...

I'd still like to make a T-shirt of Gardner holding that big net from Hogup. He kind of looks like Milhouse from the Simpsons.

Raff said...

My favorite ... in describing a Rock Shelter within Beaver County with no apparent previous cultural habitation in 1985(paraphrasing) "There is abundent rat shit ... sheltered area is high and roomy, but a bit drafty." I have it posted on my office wall .. it makes me smile!