Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Cherry Poppin' Daddy

Well, you knew it would happen eventually. I'm directing my first excavation tomorrow. It's a small one, 2 days and 360' of trench, but I'll be directing it nonetheless.

This has been a really cool job for me, and I guess this project sort of represents the culmination of the last 6 months of work here. I did everything except sign the contract. I did the lit search, wrote the test plan, will direct the test Thursday and Friday, and will do the analysis and write up the report next week.

Who would have thought that we'd be entrusted with our own backhoes and crews. Eat that BYU Anthro Department, eat that...


Mr. Yoder said...

Sweet. Let us know how it goes. And when its all done you have to let us get an e-copy of the report. Well done man.

PBN said...

WAIT! You're not in you 40s Chris! That means you aren't qualified to do anything....

What makes you think you can direct an excavation?

Sorry, that was me channeling someone else.

Congrats! That will be a great chance for you to shine. Full respect.

Scott said...

You have the skills and the knowledge to make it happen. Good job Chris. Like you said in a previous post, its nice to be given some trust and the reins to cut your teeth. In my mind, thats is the best way to learn something. Good luck and well deserved!

Sherri said...

Stick it to the man Chris!! Good luck and do let us know how it goes!

PBN said...

Dude, about the title of your post...

Mr. Yoder said...

Good point....but please, no one explain it to Cady. Oh the horror.

Scott said...

I was glad someone brought that up...cause, well..., you erm...right, anyway...