Monday, October 03, 2011

Another publication from our FoFs!

Hi All,

This moring, Cady Jardine posted a link on Facebook notifying us of the publication of a book chapter. I hope I'm not stealing her and Chris' thunder, but I felt like this was blog worthy. Especially since we're struggling for content these days.

The chapter, co-authored by Joel C. Janetski, Cady B. Jardine, and Christopher N. Watkins is titled:

Interaction and Exchange in Fremont Society

Here's the link

Their chapter joins a collection of other chapters written by some heavy hitters of Great Basin archaeology. Nice job, guys. I'm excited to read it (free .pdf proofs, anyone?)

I remember sitting in the same office at OPA while some of the drafts were being written. I'm glad to see this come to fruition.

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