Monday, October 03, 2011

Another publication from our FoFs!

Hi All,

This moring, Cady Jardine posted a link on Facebook notifying us of the publication of a book chapter. I hope I'm not stealing her and Chris' thunder, but I felt like this was blog worthy. Especially since we're struggling for content these days.

The chapter, co-authored by Joel C. Janetski, Cady B. Jardine, and Christopher N. Watkins is titled:

Interaction and Exchange in Fremont Society

Here's the link

Their chapter joins a collection of other chapters written by some heavy hitters of Great Basin archaeology. Nice job, guys. I'm excited to read it (free .pdf proofs, anyone?)

I remember sitting in the same office at OPA while some of the drafts were being written. I'm glad to see this come to fruition.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

An update finally and random musing

I had been planning to post this for a long time (even before Aaron suggestsed back in March that we post updates, and my intentions of posting this were the reason I ignored his comment back in May!)

So, as most of you know Geoff and I moved to Texas last September so he can go to UT, Arlington for his Masters in Landscape Architecture. So far, my only impression of Texas is that it is hot and flat (I might just be keeping track of how many months until Geoff graduates!)

After a rough 8 months (let's just say I'm grateful for food storage), I finally got hired on at a CRM firm in Dallas! It's been interesting learning a new region's methods. If any of you end up or know anyone who ends up in TX, tell them to contact me...we're a small company (six permanent employees) but can barely keep up with all the work we've been getting recently. Additionally, I've been keeping PVAP alive by working on some of the report chapters in hotel rooms across north Texas and Oklahoma.

Now a random musing...
Since I started my new job I've been spending a lot of time with cable tv in motel rooms. From this I learned that there is a Cash Cab Chicago and that I cannot handle watching it (hang in there, this will end up being pertinent to you). Not only is it just not the same without Ben Bailey, but the new host/driver looks just like our very own Jenny! I know it's silly, but I can't even focus on the questions she is asking because of the resemblance!

Anyway, I don't have anything exciting to report (yet), but wanted to let you all know what I'm up to and request that you all do the same.