In shameless self-promotion, I wanted to let you all know that Brad and I submitted our theses today. We're all done! Speaking for myself, it feels pretty good.
When the ETDs are available from BYU, I'll post links to both theses.
I'd like to thank Scott for all of his help with figures, formatting, and patience.
Just a review of our topics:
My thesis discussed the distributions, quantities, and value of projectile points from Parowan Valley.
Brad's thesis discussed paleoindian and paleoarchaic subsistence, specifically faunal remains at North Creek Shelter. Brad identified some turkey bones and may have identified an extinct species of deer. He can fill you in for more details.
A side note, come August, Brad will be heading to Washington State and I will be heading to UNLV.
Please see the related link:
PhD Placements
(the pictures are kind of fuzzy now, a few days ago they were smaller and clearer)
Nicely done the both of you! Congrats.
Woohoo! Congrats on both accounts (the thesis and schools!)
Well done! Enjoy the freedom before you're trapped again in academia!
On a random aside, Aaron, if this means you'll have more time to knap and are interested, I've got some obsidian from buttes maybe? It's a bunch of primary reductions off a big core, so no big chunks, but some of the flakes are still pretty good sized--maybe 8 inches long or so. Will Reed our regional archy knocked them off, so they're not killed by me. I'm just never gonna get around to doing anything with them...I'm finally giving up the good intentions. Drop me a line if you (or anybody) is interested. Otherwise, I may just "free to a good home" them at OPA.
I appreciate the offer, but I've got more obsidian than I can use. There is a student who's working for Joel doing lithic analysis, that may be interested. She's just getting into knapping and I'm sure she'd love to have some more raw material. Glass Buttes is some of the best obsidian out there and would be a great material for a novice to start with.
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