Friday, March 20, 2009

Blatant Thesis/Dissertation Promotion Opp.

Just a little opportunity to promote your hard work! This page is an in-progress annotated bibliography of theses and dissertations that utilized or emphasized public archaeology. Since many of your theses, like mine, utilized public archaeology in a very real since thanks to hours of volunteer work in the field, I thought I'd pass it on so that I'm not the only BYU alum to make the list.

Granted...I was sorely tempted to keep it secret in the hopes that it'd result in more etd hits on my lowly historic treatise. Or am I the only one arrogantly watching the count periodically?!

I just emailed the compiler and she basically asked me to put similar researchers in touch with her--it's not just for those with "public archaeology" in the title. I'm working on my shortened abstract, emphasizing the volunteer work that went into gathering the data for my research. A whole bunch of us have pulled our work from similar sources, particularly since North Creek has dragged in bunches of folks and Dr J has really used it as an opportunity to get USAS out there, hands-on with the students. Thank goodness for all their hours hauling buckets, eh?

Anyway, just passing this along to all of you, in case it's of interest.

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