Since some of you are finished with school for the rest of your lives, and others are merely done with another semester, what's going on in your lives?
Where are you working? How is your research going? How are things in general?
I'll start:
Winter 2009 semester went well. I finished up my thesis after a rough defense and some edits that should have been suggested during the editing process. My thesis is not yet available (online) since I don't technically graduate until August.
I got a sweet job offer from Geo-Marine Inc. I'm working up in Mt. Home, Idaho on the Saylor Creek Range portion of the Air Force Range. We are testing certain sites on the range for buried deposits. We're working with late Paleo and early Archaic sites. Lots of Haskett, Cascade, and Northern Side-notched points.
Holly Raymond-Hughes is also working with GMI on this same project.
After the testing on the AFB is finished, GMI has subcontracted me to do the analysis of the chipped stone assemblage and write up the results for the final report.
In August, I'll be moving to Las Vegas to pursue a PhD at UNLV. I'll be working with Barb Roth and, to a lesser degree, Karen Harry. Most likely, I'll end up doing something in the Mimbres/Mogollon area regarding foraging to farming transitions.
That's about it for me. I'd love to hear what the rest of the FoF are doing.