Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sweet sweet ABD

Ah yes my cometh. I just found out yesterday that I passed my Comprehensive Exams. Yea! For those of you who don't know I took my exams in the beginning of Dec, passed two of my questions but failed one. My committee allowed me to rewrite the one I had a problem with and this time I passed. I'm not officially ABD yet as I have to defend my proposal, but I'll be doing that sometime in February. This puts me one step closer to graduating and buying that double-wide I always promise Sally!


Lily said...

Well done David! I should tell you all the I live down the street from if you want me to sneak in and give your proposals the highest rating, just call me Laura Croft;)

Chris said...

Wow! High praise my friend. High praise indeed.

SoCo said...

Ahhhhh. I bet that feels good. I'm beginning to study for mine right now. It's freakin me out. Are you going to celebrate in Mesa at the SW Symposium?

Mr. Yoder said...

You betcha. Are you coming Mike?

SoCo said...

see you there.