Well, my time at SandHollow has come to a close; although Rich and Lane are still working down there and will be until the end of August. For those of you who have not been to Sand Hollow, it can generally be summed up as HOT, sandy, and ephemeral. Most of the time we were digging wickiups and hearths, although we did excavate a pithouse or two as well. One of these had a lot of adobe wall and roof fall, no ceramics, and a piece of corn came out of the bottom.
So all signs point to Basketmaker, which would be really interesting. That was definitely the highlight of the season. Mike Searcy and family were also there for a good chunk of the summer, which was great. It was good to be back in the field with a Friend of the Fremont.
The day I was leaving St. George got flooded by a thunderstorm. Two of the apartments we were renting got a couple of feet of water in them. Mike will have to post some pictures; it was crazy. He and I also got to check out the Andrew Johnston private collection in Kanab. I'll have to post on that another time; it was a sweet/creepy experience. Now I'm down at North Creek for Dr. J's last year there. We took out the back fill (a monumental task) and have started excavating. Already we have found two new pits and two hearths on the Early Archaic use surface and some tools down at 3.30 meters below ground surface. That hole is DEEP. It's not field school though, so we are all being careful.
Dave and Mike,
It was great to have you both out at the dig. Now if we could get AJ, Holly, and Mr. Woods to show up once more. Also, as a matter of info for the group...T-shirts for Sand Hollow were made up and if you'd like one, just go to www.cafepress.com/wilkeworld and order away. Master Talbot has a pretty good quote on one of the shirts and there is a good "Dang it, AJ!" reference as well. Greetings to all from Sand Hollow.
Tom Jones
Glad to hear the early update from North Creek, too! Good luck to all you deep-diggers!
3.5 m?! Whatever you do, don't get too close to the f$#%ing profile!
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