Archaeologist Mathilda Howard believes in solid scientific fact, not mythical advanced civilizations or stones that shine. But when an old Tibetan monk shares his experience of the "lights that do not die," Matt knows she had to learn more. From a sacred mountain in China to a lost civilization in Brazil, Matt finds that she is digging up more than simple artifacts. Her questions lead her to a new religion, but it may cost her all that she values in life: her career, her prestige, and even her family. As evidence of the shining stones mounts, she finds herself faced with decisions she never thought she'd have to make. How much is Matt willing to sacrifice for the lost stones of the Jaradites?
From a sacred mountain in China to a lost civilization in Brazil....WOW! Yea for joining archaeology and Mormon studies. Fiction has never looked so good!
For those of you interested here's a book you might like:
The Search for Harmony: Essays on Science and Mormonism edited by Gene A. Sessions and Craig J. Oberg.
It's a compiled book with essays fro a bunch of different authors. Some of the essays are historical in nature while others examine Mormonism and evolution, creation, science in general, etc. I haven't read this in 4 or 5 years but remember that I thought some of the essays were pretty interesting. You can find this on Amazon for $17 bucks. But if you are really interested and don't feel like shelling out the money, I could dig out my copy and scan in some chapters and send them to you.
Oh good heaven, in all seriousness, I realize there's more pop-Archaeology out there than any of us would like to admit (and I've been subjected to my fair share of mormon archaeology novels thanks to the 'thoughtfulness' of distant friends and well-meaning mother) but seriously?! Mahonri-Moriancomer is making it big, eh? So what if we devoted a blog to story lines and ideas on, oh, let's say a recent convert's struggle at her Guatemalan field school when the godless professor sets out to demonstrate that Quetzalcoatl couldn't possibly be Jesus and the temple they're excavating at isn't really Bountiful. Feel the suspense! We could be famous! The money from unsuspecting future undergrads will roll in! We can all finally give up this dirty profession and do something civilized like making Mormon movies!
Wow. I'm just so excited. "I want to kill myself" is right, Chris...maybe a mass death is warranted. Hey, that'd be a great novel, too...
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