Thursday, January 18, 2007

For those who are interested...

Hey guys, this was brought to my attention by one of my professors. World Archaeology is doing an issue on Experimental Archaeology.

Vol. 40 No. 1: Experimental Archaeology Editor: Alan Outram
Most archaeologists have some understanding of what is meant by'experimental archaeology', but it is not always clear what the term means.Most would agree that experimental archaeology involves 'actualistic'investigation of archaeological questions employing authentic materials and'primitive technologies', rather than being purely lab-based. Suchexperiments might address processes of artefact manufacture and use,taphonomy or (re)construction, however, actualistic experiments are alsoemployed to develop or valid laboratory techniques.

This call is for papers that employ experimental archaeology as a seriousresearch method. Papers that illustrate how experimental archaeology isintegrated into wider archaeological investigations are particularlywelcome.



1 comment:

Mr. Yoder said...

Thanks for the info.