Thursday, November 23, 2006

Uncle Gardner

While sitting around the Thanksgiving dinner table, stuffed full of delicious trukey, rolls, and peanut butter pie, I was made privy to an amazing piece of information...I'm (through a few marriages) related to Gardner Dalley! Aparently my sister-in-law is his niece. She had mentioned to me perviously that her uncle "had done some archaeology" and was now retired and into antiquing (esp. collecting depression glass), but I had never really thought to ask her his name (or she told me his name three or four years ago when I had no clue who Gardner was). So, that's my intersting bit of news from this holiday that I just had to share with you all. (Also, rumor has it, he'll be in town for a family reunion in the spring and they might introduce me). I hope you all enjoyed your various festivities, especially the food!


PBN said...

Peanut Butter Pie? Hmmm...

More importantly, you are related to one of the few archaeologists who has incorporated profanity into his site descriptions. Kudos.

Also, collecting historic glass of any sort would indeed be depressing.

Chris said...

The best mullet in Great Basin Archaeology -- undisputed...

RustLover said...

Sweet association--so it really is in your blood. Now any time you're stumped you can dramatically pause and ask "What Would Uncle Gardner Do?" Maybe you should make a WWUGD bracelet to advertise your connection...that way we can all jealously admire you and you can later start a side business competing with the Shovelbums store. Wow!

(Aaron, this is the part where I ignore your base anti-historics comment. And, if Uncle Gardner likes it...)

Mr. Yoder said...

depression took me a second Aaron. Classic.

AJ said...

Some day I'll have to post my favorite Gardner D's IMACS site form for you all to revel in; so that you too can truly see the masters touch at work in all its glory. I never laughed so hard when reading a PR site form before, or since for that matter). Man, I miss that guy... almost as much as I miss the mighty Super McFadden!

PBN said...

The mere mention of my "base comment" shows your inability to ignore it, Jenny.

No creator of any can, glass, or barbed wire scatter has ever been a friend of the Fremont. I see no reason to defend the importance of depression era glass.

Dave, it's nice to see someone appreciated my quip.

RustLover said...

No creator of a trash scatter has ever been a friend of the Fremont?! I dunno about that...we're talking about a lot of ol' Uncle Gardner types who lived in a different world than us as trash disposal goes. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in the dessert there's a nice little can scatter left by our ancestral archaeologists. Granted, I'm really pulling for it to NOT be sitting on top of a lithic scatter...