If you believe that the Clear Creek Canyon report is the Bible, and that Richard K. Talbot's Fremont Farmers is the Pearl of Great Price then allow us to welcome you.
OPA alumni unite!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Jerry's Memories
FYI: I posted Mike's classic "Chris vs. the Big J" on Google Video.
Oh man those were the good old days? By the way, Aaron and I have been working on the not-so-obvious Marxist undercurrents in the Wizard of Oz. Coming soon to the FOF!
I was just commenting to Holly that Jerry's was the first "real" college hang out spot for me. Of course, J-Dawgs filled that void, but Jerry's was a good place. Now it's a Leatherby's Ice Cream Parlor.
Marxism and The Wizard of Oz was the result of fevered ramblings during a walk to 7-11. I think it would make a great useless FoF post.
Ah, yes. That brings back the memories. That was an intense 3 minutes and 30 seconds for all of us. Well, except for Aaron who was pre-occupied with looking at the past winners.
OPA hangout! Let the eagle shed some tears! Where do we go now?
Oh man those were the good old days? By the way, Aaron and I have been working on the not-so-obvious Marxist undercurrents in the Wizard of Oz. Coming soon to the FOF!
Yes, the good old days.
I was just commenting to Holly that Jerry's was the first "real" college hang out spot for me. Of course, J-Dawgs filled that void, but Jerry's was a good place. Now it's a Leatherby's Ice Cream Parlor.
Marxism and The Wizard of Oz was the result of fevered ramblings during a walk to 7-11. I think it would make a great useless FoF post.
At one point, I've got my back turned to Chris reading about the other champs, I'm so ashamed.
Yah, Aaron, I considered commenting on your apparent ADD.
Ah, yes. That brings back the memories. That was an intense 3 minutes and 30 seconds for all of us. Well, except for Aaron who was pre-occupied with looking at the past winners.
OPA hangout!
Let the eagle shed some tears!
Where do we go now?
The eagle reference may be obscure to the rest of the board. You might want to explain.
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