Thursday, April 06, 2006

Now and then

They did what! No way
I’m offended, oh my heck
Daily Universe

Molly Mormon who?
Contacting book store, uh oh
Shouts of anger

Jewel and peasant quest?!
What about Capital Reef?
After level four

Unshaven, unkempt
No problem at library
Unspoken delight

Lapdances….5 bucks!
Vegas filth, wretched hive
Bad as Mos Eisley


PBN said...

Say hello to Greedo for me Dave.

PBN said...

By the way Dave, remember that Star Wars game I had? I got the sequel. It's even better, you can play as a Jedi or Sith...that means lightsabers.

...such a nerd

Chris said...

Awesome, some great references here.