Friday, February 10, 2006

Wow, more secret messages

For those of you who did not notice, the word "hell" in Holly's post "An Open Letter" is a link. Scroll down and check it out. What were you trying to say, Holly?


PBN said...

who knew that Holly knew how to do HTML links? I thought it would have been a link to a Jordanian archaeology website.

RustLover said...

Wait, though...highly suspect, guys: not only are we supposed to believe that Holly can create a link, but also that she took the time to come back and visit FOF again and create it? It wasn't there at first. I suspect you all-powerful blog-masters are trying something...

Hollster said...

Holy Crap!

I did not create that link! Aaron, you're right, I don't know how to make HTML links, nor would I take the time if I knew how! Plus, that's a pretty creepy link. I smell a mystery....

Hollster said...

Hmmmm.... I wonder if Chris knows anything about this....

Chris said...

Not it, although I wish I could take credit for it.

RustLover said...

Few there be that have such power as to edit another's posts...aaaargh. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've been watching you all. I control you know.

PBN said...

I don't understand this flurry of commenting from Holly. So strange.

Mike, I think the link was excellent.