Saturday, February 04, 2006

A request for Resurrection:

So, I was sitting around trying to avoid writing my Western Shoshone paper for Great Basin and, as has become a somewhat ritualistic habit in the past month, wandered over to FOF for a bit of light reading. I couldn’t get past the Dashboard all day, however, with two results: 1) You were all spared a number of lame and/or dry comments on such things as I generally know nothing about…you may now stop celebrating, thank you, and read 2) I did a search for FOF to try a back way in and ended up accessing the first three or so lines of the last 82 some odd posts on a Blogger search page that was actually working.

I’ll grant that it was a stunted view of what’s gone on over the life of the blog, but I’m slightly disturbed at the loss of a lovely tradition that seemed to be burgeoning.

Where is the haiku?
I think it was a nice touch.
And Holly was alive.


RustLover said...

Holly, darling, the haiku seemed to be the one thing that kept you going in your lone and dreary Old World existence…don’t you think it’s time to come into the light and join us again?

I know it’s difficult, but if you can’t trust us, who can you trust? I promise that you will be rewarded with (mostly) serious comments even if you post about real architecture stuff that makes us a little uncomfortable. ;)
(Try not to kill me with ‘the look’ after you read this, will you? Thanks, b.p.!)

PBN said...

Is the "sniff" part of the Haiku? if so, you're kind of breaking the rules.

RustLover said...

Not necessarily. The 5-7-5 can be followed by a final bit in some cases. It loosens it up a bit--I guess I'm a modern.

PBN said...

The Haiku never really died though, it's more of a fluid thing. It happens when it happens, and generally when Chris wants to dis Holly.

Mr. Yoder said...

Awww yes, Chris Watkins
purveyor of wisdom, but
drug induced hammers?

Chris said...

I've always felt that Dave's haiku are better than mine. Full freakin respect...

Chris said...

The above is very nearly an unintentional haiku. Creepy...

RustLover said...

Glad the creative genius hasn't left you all...but 8 comments and still Holly hasn't been drawn in...I feel defeated. Perhaps I shall have to change my goal in life to something other than helping suck Holly into FOF. Sigh.

And you're right Chris, the unintentional was creepy =)

PBN said...


Holly rarely checks the blog unless prompted. Here is one:

Sandstone Sepulchres
Glimmers of red sweaterd men
Trying to save face

PBN said...

make that


PBN said...

here's another:

Nabatean tombs?
Or Bedouin Bathrooms?
Either way, Daoud don't care.

PBN said...

technically, the last one I put down was breaking the rules too.