Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Mr. Yoder's Thesis: On-Line!

I forgot to previously mention that my thesis is now on-line at BYU. It feels good to have it done. Here's the link:

Now what you do is go to this link and then scroll down to page number 9. Increase magnification to about 300% and look on the left hand side of the image. The excavators of North Creek, forever immortalized.


SoCo said...

Congratulations! Man, it looks great. I've got it downloaded and saved to my computer ready to be read as liesure reading when the semester slows down. By the way, has Aaron talked to you yet about participating in a conference at U. of AZ in Sept.? We were wanting your help. Peace in the Middle West, j-dawgs.

Scott said...

Very sneaky with the tribute in the photo. Very cool idea.

Sherri said...

Very nice Dave ... I loved the hidden message! I'm looking forward to reading it when I get a chance.

PBN said...

What about the SCREENERS of North Creek. Mr. Aaron Woods and Mr. Mike Searcy?

I did find a couple of figurines too...if that means anything.

Chris said...

Mike is too humble to post his own link, but I'll brag on him.

Warning: 43+ MB!