Friday, February 17, 2006

Hutchings Museum and Renee Barlow

Last night, several of us (Molly, Holly, Cady, Jenny, and I) went to the USAS meeting at the Hutchings museum in Lehi, Utah.

Renee Barlow was the guest and talked'll never guess....Range Creek. During her lecture she said several things that seemed like "red flags". One of the red flags was her use of the term "Pithouse Village". After being asked what her definition of a pithouse village was, she suggested that a pithouse village in Range Creek could have as few as 3 pithouses and as many as 15.

Has she read Five Finger, or Clear Creek? Is she aware of Parowan Valley?

To her credit, Barlow did say somethings that sounded like a small shift in research bias, but I'll let Cady talk about those.

Also, The Hutchings museum has an amazing collection of chipped stone artifacts, perishables, and all sorts of eccentrics (figurines, incised stones, and other oddities) that we rarely get to see.

The collection was so amazing that our very own Old-Worlder,Holly A. Raymond, expressed her admiration for the material culture of the Fremont. Holly, I'll let you elaborate.

Something about doing a thesis on the Fremont instead....

I'm sure I left a few things out, everyone else who was there should throw in your summaries or impressions.


Chris said...

Renee calling small pithouse clusters villages is probably a reflection of the behavioralists conception of Fremont communities. To them, there really isn't a fundamental difference between say, Rattlesnake Point and the Parowan Valley. As for us, we think that these larger sites represent something different -- at the least a substantial increase in complexity.

As for me, I think it's a step in the right direction. At least they're using the word village now. That was a dirty work for awhile there. Maybe Duncan and Nawthis "Village" started the ball rolling again.

This is all the more reason for the Central Core Area symposium. Was Rich at the meeting? Those papers need to be written...

PBN said...

No Rich.

PBN said...

oh, almost forgot...Subliminal Message alert. It's there, just look for it.

Mr. Yoder said...

Did Renee have any new information? I can understand her talking about Range Creek everywhere she goes, it's where she's working now, but if she gave the same lecture she's given EVERYWHERE, that's getting pretty old. I know they've been doing some survey down there, did she report any findings? Is she doing any analysis of the survey results? Pretty pictures of granaries are great, but lets see some analysis.

PBN said...

just pretty pictures and summary.

Most were there for the pretty pictures, which did not even show up on the projector.