Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Checking in

Things have been a little quiet here at FoF the last week or so. I figure that this is due to finals, which is why I haven't been posting.

I guess I just wanted to say good luck on finals, and I'm looking forward to everyones semester in review, and that Veronica Mars is probably the best show on TV right now, and that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan can suck it.


Sherri said...

No Chris, House and Bones are the best tv shows on right now! Haha, just kidding. We're getting ready to head into the field next week. My boss decided that it would be a great idea to start a survey one week before Christmas, Wednesday - Sunday schedule. Go figure?! He also decided he would wait till the last minute to tell me that I'm going on this survey. He then asked, "How do you feel about Christmas?" I replied, "Well its only the biggest holiday of the year and I now have a husband and child so I feel very strongly about Christmas and do not want to work on the holiday." He asked what days I thought were reasonable days to take off. Can anyone imagine my reaction ... I think he's fallin' off the deep end this time. You would think that Christmas, obviously, and Christmas Eve were reasonable days to ask off!

PBN said...

What is a Hashemite anyway?

Scott said...

Well, funny you should ask. It turns out that Hashemite is similar to the Austrailian Vegemite that you spread on sandwiches, but its made with a somewhat sweeter and more illegal substance. . .sorry folks, I couldnt resist.

PBN said...

Nice. Gotta get me some of that.