I'd like to see a new feature here at FOF, the "semster in review".
Basically, those of us still taking or teaching classes would post a brief synopsis of each class, and then review it. Was it useful? Did you learn anything cool? Here is some stuff the rest of us should check out? Etc.
Good idea? If you're not in class you can put up some projects or research you've been working on too.
I'm game. I have all too much to share on the favorite subject - socio-cultural theory!!!
Maybe we could post term papers or technical reports we've been working on too, kind of a peer review.
We'd need to get some webspace for that though, maybe OPA could host them or we could just email them...
I think that would be a fine idea. At the least we could post the references to one or two of the best articles we've read from a class. I would be interested in articles everyone else thought were really worth reading.
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