Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Report for Chris

Chris I was hesitant to post a report of my defensis because I was so sorely disappointed in people who I used to consider my friends. USED TO! I am happy to report that the defense went well. Dr. J, Clark, and Rich all seemed pretty pleased with how it went except for a few minor things. Their main suggestion is that I expand some of my ideas into publishable articles. So that's cool. I am also happy to report that Cady showed up to support her friend, i.e. me (from now on Cady I will refer to you as Cady and not Katie, because you have earned it). It saddens me to say that Mr. Woods, Mr. Newbold, and the Crapster (yes, that means you Mrs. Raymond, or Rainmon, or what the freak ever)bent to the pressures of THE MAN (in this case Jim Allison)and deserted their friend in his time of need. They were more interested in calculating some mindless statistic that they will probably never use then supporting a collegue. They'll probably have a good laugh over a pint at their next "Concert Goers of Interpol" club meeting (Commonly referred to as CGI). Well who needs um. I've got Dave Madsen(left), Joel Janetski(center), and Rich Talbot(right)all semi-agreeing on one project. Plus I have one friend at ASU, one in Okalahoma somewhere, and ONE at BYU. Good day sir. I said good day!


Chris said...

What the H is this crap?

I never fully appreciated the gravity of the left-right-center consensus, but that is major indeed. Congratulations on some fine, and sure to be widely accepted, research.

I don't imagine the same will be said for mine...

PBN said...

Rainmon....that was good stuff Dave.

I've taken to calling her "Ramon" but Rainmon is even better.

"yeah, gotta go to K-mart..."

I apologize for bending to the ressure of "the man".

There is no excuse.

Although, from what I hear,you done good.

PBN said...

There is a way to delete these comments (I've done it on another blog), but due to the muliple user nature of the blog, I'm not sure who can delete them. Chris, since you forged the blog, do you have the power to delete comments?

Hollster said...

Ummm, well, I uh....Alright!! So I fell under the pressure of the cherry-vanilla-Dr. Pepper-loving statistics genious. As Aaron explained, he was going over one of the assignments, and passing out another, very important stuff my friend! (if I can still call you that) Seriously, there's no excuse. I'm sorry!! I've gotta go to K-mart now.

With Respect,

Chris said...
