To all those searching for jobs, here is a report from the trenches:
I attended the AAA meetings this past week and ventured into the infamous "Placement Center." This is the room where you meet behind a curtain to sell yourself shamelessly for a position that 30 others are likely interviewing for. First, there were only 4 archaeology faculty positions for which interviews were being held. I interviewed with the one that I fit, and it is only a visiting position at a small school in Ohio. I did receive word from 2 other universities that I did not make their short lists. They indicated that each position garnered over 120 applications each. From this report, it seems safe to say that the market is saturated with PhDs. On top of that, departments are cutting funding, slashing positions (as they are being vacated, which has happened with 3 positions here at OU), and thickening the ice on job freezes (BYU included). It sounds all gloom and doom, and I admit that it is. Still have yet to hear from 11+ universities/colleges, so we'll see. I'd love to hear others' experiences, especially what Dave and Chris are seeing out there. Lay-tar.