Friday, August 28, 2009

The saga continues.

It's hard to care much about all of this Range Creek stuff anymore, but I lament the fact that we will not see much (or any) of the data. Visions of PVAP...

Utah to turn over fabled Range Creek canyon to U. of U. archaeologists - Salt Lake Tribune

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Thursday, August 06, 2009

Props to Holly

Since Holly may not post this herself, I thought I'd let everyone know that our very own Holly Raymond-Hughes has been hired on by Geo-Marine as a full-time project archaeologist for their St. George, Utah office.

I have no other details, but just want to say congratulations, Holly!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Creationist Museum Gets Hard Dose of Reality

A few years ago we ran a story on museums catered to evangelical groups who believe that dinosaurs and humans lived together on Earth.

Well...they are back in the news again. This time, for tax fraud. Not paying your taxes sics the Feds on you and I'm pretty sure it makes Baby Jesus cry.

Apparently, there is still a museum like this in Kentucky. Here's a crazy photo set from flickr of that museum. I'm betting the museum that was shut down in Florida had similar fare.

On a related note, I found this hilarious t-shirt. Enjoy.