Tuesday, April 24, 2007

And by the way, Mr. Yoder joins OPA

You like that....by the way...OPA. I'm good.

So those positions that Scott posted about a one-year contract with OPA.....yours truely will be filling one of those positions. Hurrah! I'll be helping run the Sand Hollow excavation during the summer and analysis and write up in the fall and winter. I'm looking forward to working with the bosses again and can't wait to get into the dirt (or sand in this case). I start on Monday. Pretty quick, but I'm way excited. Aaron might even be around.

Now if I could just sell my house. Not to worry, I hear the market is great! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18289082/

SAA's and graduate students

Is anyone going to the SAA's this year? My professors keep asking me this. This is understandable. But when I answer no, one or two of them kinda look at me odd like "really, why not? What are you doing instead?"

I know they just want to be nice and are interested in my academic welfare, BUT, I feel like saying "I have a wife, three kids with one on the way*, and make a whopping $12,000 a year" Are you serious?!@#% No I'm not going to the freakin SAA's. You want to know what I 'm doing instead, I'm buying diapers; and then I'll probably drop by the welfare office and pick up my foodstamps. After that I'll spend another 12-15 hour day at my office working on assigments, publications, and research. THAT'S what I'm doing instead of going to the SAA's!

*Sally is now 4 or 5 months pregnant with our last one. Please O Pleeease let it be a little girl or I will be facing a discontent wife who reminds me that the sex of the child is entirely dependent on the male (i.e. Mr. Yoder).

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I want to kill myself

By: Phyllis Gunderson

Archaeologist Mathilda Howard believes in solid scientific fact, not mythical advanced civilizations or stones that shine. But when an old Tibetan monk shares his experience of the "lights that do not die," Matt knows she had to learn more. From a sacred mountain in China to a lost civilization in Brazil, Matt finds that she is digging up more than simple artifacts. Her questions lead her to a new religion, but it may cost her all that she values in life: her career, her prestige, and even her family. As evidence of the shining stones mounts, she finds herself faced with decisions she never thought she'd have to make. How much is Matt willing to sacrifice for the lost stones of the Jaradites?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Continuing BYU's Parowan Synthesis...

Just wanted to send a Congrats and Well Done to Molly for her thesis proposal defense on Monday. She'll have to supply the details, but the worked bone gaming pieces of PVAP are looking like they'll tell us some interesting things when compared to the ethnographic evidence. Molly stood up to our favorite trio of committee members (the 3 J's) very confidently and made some interesting points about our favorite neighborhood Fremont.


Monday, April 02, 2007

anti-evolution museum

Hey all, it's been a little quiet around here so I decided to post a link to a story about an anti-evolution museum that some Christian Fundies are building in Kentucky.


If the link doesn't work, just google "anti-evolution museum, kentucky" It should show up.

Due to all of our religious backgrounds, I think this story is worth a read. It's not Fremont related, but the main content of the story could hit home with archaeologists/other scientists with religious convictions.

I think that we should be quick to point out pseudo-science like this museum. I know that I have dealt with many a Mormon Fundie who has told me that dinosaur bones were put on the earth by Satan to deceive men, that C-14 is a flawed method, and that the age of Earth is in the 4-5000s.